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Ecological Exploration

Cattle egret

Birds | Ardeidae
Bubulcus ibis


The cattle egret has a white body, orange-yellow bill, and black-brown toes. In the summer, there are orange-yellow ornamental feathers on the bird’s head and neck as well as on the center of the back.
Habits: The cattle egret is often accompanied by the black drongo and myna. They rest on cattles’ backs or follow after cultivators to catch startled insects.
Resident/Uncommon, Summer/ Common; Body length: 50 cm
Birdwatching period: all year round


The cattle egret appears in flat to low-altitude dry farmlands, marshes, grass fields, and ranches.


  • (圖書) 吳自強、黃淑華、羅美玉,高美濕地飛羽,台中,2014。